Asymmetric warfare. Facebook and Twitter are The Man now, but they can't stop the signal. The Man can't censor you if he can't even follow your links.

Social Media Hider is a way to publish links to external web content to censorious social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook that they won't censor because their censorbots and employees won't see the actual link but just a cover image.

SMH looks like a classic URL shortener, and indeed it is a URL shortener, but it has an extra feature that decides whether to redirect to the target URL depending on what the IP address making the request is. If the source IP is in a subnet that the SMH operator doesn't trust then instead of returning the actual target URL it returns a decoy image or link.

So when The Man (or his AI crony) clicks your link he gets sent somewhere innocuous, but when your friend clicks your link he gets sent to your intended destination. Brilliant.

Social Media Hider is a bit technical to use right now, but just wait a week and there will be browser plug-in that handles everything automatically.

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