Sonia Sotomayor was already wiser than any white male thanks to her genitalia and skin color, but just recently her judicial-y wisdom has skyrocketed thanks to yet another obstacle she is overcoming: a broken ankle!

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor hobbled through a packed day of meetings on Capitol Hill Monday after breaking her ankle in an early morning airport stumble, then boarding a flight from New York to Washington to visit senators who will vote on her confirmation. ...

Sotomayor made the meetings with senators despite her injury. She entered the Capitol for a meeting with Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, on crutches, wearing a white cast covered at the foot with a black soft bootie. Asked how she was feeling, Sotomayor said, "I feel fine, thank you."

How brave! Sotomayor is an inspiration to everyone with a light brown vagina. Fortunately she's getting the gentle, affirmative treatment she deserves due to her tragically victimized condition.

The injury changed the tone slightly on an otherwise high-intensity round of meetings that are part job interview for Sotomayor, part preview of a pressure-filled set of confirmation hearings.

Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., signed Sotomayor's cast during their session. Her fellow Louisianan, Republican Sen. David Vitter, had a bag of ice and a pillow on hand when the judge arrived at his office, telling her to "please be seated and relax."

Although I was personally skeptical before, Sotomayor's broken ankle has converted me: I'm now tingling in anticipation to see her wisely limp into the Supreme Court and wisely seat her Latina genitals behind the bench.

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