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What's your favorite John Hughes movie? Yes, these are the only possible correct answers.
Vacation (1983)
Sixteen Candles (1984)
Weird Science (1985)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
The Great Outdoors (1988)
Uncle Buck (1989)
Christmas Vacation (1989)
Home Alone (1990)
What's your favorite thing to throw? (Not you favorite game.)
Superbounce Ball
Toilet Paper
Pet Toy
Paper Airplane
Juggling Pin
Molotov Cocktail
Other (What?)
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Is there anything someone could say to you for which you'd kill them on the spot?
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Ok, so you're on the new OJury and need to make a decision about his current case. Let's say that all the evidence suggests to you that OJ did everything that's alleged, but there's no proof beyond a reasonable doubt that there were guns present, and the items being "stolen" may have actually belonged to the Juice. You're also pretty confident that a different defendant in similar circumstances would have been prosecuted very differently, and in particular the kidnapping charges seem to you like overreaching.


What's your vote as an OJ juror?
Acquit on all charges -- the Juice must be loose!
Convict only on charges you believe were proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Convict on any charges you think are likely to be true based on the evidence before you.
Convict on all charges regardless of evidence as a form of delayed justice for the murders he committed 13 years ago.
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Well it looks like the Democrats have won the House, contrary to my hopeful predictions, and bettors on TradeSports give the GOP a 12% chance to hold the Senate. Looks like my wife might have been right.

Democrats taking over the House of Representatives wouldn't be too tragic (except for the tax cuts they wouldn't renew), but if they get the Senate too then the next couple of years could be very difficult. Let's look at the potential winners and losers (toss in some more if you think of them).


- Crazy leftist blogosphere. We won't hear the end of it, despite the fact that most of their seat takeovers are due to rather conservative, even pro-life, Democrats.

- The Democrat party, if their new, more conservative, politicians can help reign in the crazy leftists that pushed their party out of power.

- North Korea, al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, Hugo Chavez, Hamas, and all the other thugs and tyrants around the world. They're probably dancing in the streets.

- The Media, for flexing their muscles and dragging the Democrats over the finish line (one last time?). Despite polls showing that Americans overwhelmingly want smaller government the media has managed to convince the public that our surging economy sucks, our success in Iraq is a failure, our success in Afghanistan is irrelevant, and that one gay pedophile Republican who never actually committed a crime reflects badly on the whole party.

- American parasites, because they'll reap the rewards of putting their masters into office.

- Republicans, if they get their act together and realize what happens when you don't dance with the guy who brung you.

- Right-wing bloggers, because we'll have a lot to rage about for the next two years!


- Republicans, because they wasted their majority and lost it.

- Iraqis, because they'll probably be abandoned to the predations of their Islamofascist neighbors.

- Iranians, North Koreans, "moderate Muslims", and the rest of th people oppressed by our enemies, because things are now likely to get a lot worse before they get better.

- American taxpayers, those few of us who remain, because our income will be redistributed to the parasites who put the Democrats in office.

- Hillary Clinton, unless the Dems really pull a rabbit out of their hats and manage not to screw the world up too badly before 2008.

- Unborn babies, who will keep being aborted for a while longer.

Your reaction to the 2006 mid-term election results.
We're doomed! Pack up the family and head for the hills.
Bad, but not tragic.
It's too bad, but we get the government we deserve.
Much ado about nothing. There won't be much effect.
It's good to get some turnover in Washington.
The Republicans got what they deserved for screwing up the country.
Finally, we can impeach Bush!
Forget politics, the market is up on news of a divided government!
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Since it's election day, let's answer the question that's really keeping people up at night.

Mark: Asset or Troll
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Does this new polling system from Pollhost have annoying ads or any other feature that you can see that should prevent me from using it?
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