I've seen a lot of evidence of voting irregularities in the 2020 Presidential election -- hundreds of affidavits and dozens of statistical analyses. I don't know what the truth is. But despite all that, the most suspicious thing about the election is that both courts and the media want to pretend that there is no evidence. Courts keep throwing out cases on "technicalities", finding reasons to avoid looking at the submitted evidence. The media just covers its eyes and ears and writes about Biden's dogs and cats. This is super sus.

If there was any wrongdoing, the proof is in the hands of the wrongdoers. A court needs to order testimony under oath for the accused wrongdoers, and needs to seize any evidence in their possession. Only then can we examine the evidence and get past the allegations and rumors. It isn't good enough to stall and prevaricate. If the election was fair, then open the books. Tell us under oath, subject to cross-examination.

It's not enough to say, "Trump's just making everything up! He's blowing smoke!"

I personally hope that the election was completely fair, because the alternative is much worse.

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