The Conservative Treehouse writes that Trump supporters are organically routing around social controls and posts several insane videos of Trump parades around the country. I say "Trump parades", but Trump isn't at any of these events, and his campaign didn't organize them. Check this one out from yesterday in Beverly Hills, California. The crowd goes on and on and on. This is nuts.

There are dozens, even hundreds of videos like this. It's unbelievable. I know the polls show Trump losing handily to Biden, but these events make it hard to believe those numbers.

There's nothing equivalent for Biden. I wrote last week that everything points to a Trump victory except the polls, and that's more true now than ever. Crowds like this don't lose elections.

Even if Biden legitimately wins the election, the movement that Trump mid-wifed isn't going away.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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