I may be delusional (or *too* sane) but my thinking leans towards Charlie Martin's articulation of why he still doesn't think Democrats will impeach Trump. The polls just don't show impeachment working out well for the Democrats, and they've worked so hard to obfuscate the House process that they must realize their case is weak. If impeachment goes to the Senate the Republicans will control the narrative throughout 2020.

Just a few days ago, I predicted that Trump won't be impeached. Of course, today we saw the announcement that Nancy Pelosi has directed the Judiciary Committee to start drafting Articles of Impeachment based on the hearing yesterday.

Now, that means a committee chaired by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Moria) is supposed to start coming up with a list of charges. Apparently, this is supposed to include bribery, abuse of power, and damned if conspiracy and collusion with the Russians isn't back, Mueller investigation be damned.

You might think this would cause me to rethink my prediction, but it doesn't. ...

I still think the risks are too great for the Democrats. Instead, we'll see this "drafting of Articles of Impeachment" drag on, "vaster than Empires and more slow," because they get all the political benefits of keeping IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT in the news, with none of the risks. ...

Coincidentally, Monday is the day the ICIG report comes out.

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