I was hardly the only one to wonder when I posted about Epstein's mysterious attempted suicide in July, but now he's dead and "questions swirl" around the circumstances. Here are some of the questions, chopped out of the larger article.

One of Jeffrey Epstein's two guards the night he hanged himself in his federal jail cell wasn't a regular correctional officer, according to people familiar with the detention center, which is now under scrutiny for what Attorney General William Barr on Monday called "serious irregularities." ...

Epstein had been placed on suicide watch after he was found in his cell a little over two weeks ago with bruises on his neck. But he had been taken off that watch at the end of July and returned to the jail's special housing unit.

There, Epstein was supposed to have been checked on by a guard about every 30 minutes. But investigators have learned those checks weren't done for several hours before Epstein was found unresponsive, according to a person familiar with the episode. ...

A second person familiar with operations at the jail said Epstein was found with a bedsheet around his neck Saturday morning.

Bedsheets that are paper thin, and a bed so low that Epstein had to hold his feet up off the floor while he strangled.

Epstein, 66, was found with the sheet wrapped around his neck and secured to the top of a bunk bed, the New York Post reported Monday. He kneeled toward the floor and used the noose to strangle himself, the paper added, citing an unnamed law enforcement official.

Back to the original article...

An autopsy was performed Sunday, but New York City Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson said investigators were awaiting further information.

What information are they waiting on, and from whom?

I think the Babylon Bee nails the zeitgeist: "CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide".

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