Psychologist Robert Epstein performed a study about how pro-Clinton bias at Google affects voting.
In his tweetstorm, Epstein clarified a few things: his study did not claim Google directly "manipulated" the election, only that pro-Clinton bias in Google search results could account for millions of votes for Clinton. Trump was also wrong about the high-end number. Google bias "was enough to convince between 2.6 & 10.4 million undecided voters to vote for Hillary."
Epstein has a history of admiration and support for Hillary Clinton, but now he feels compelled to announce that he isn't suicidal.
Okay, this is sort of funny.... It's been suggested that I remind people that I AM NOT SUICIDAL!!! I love my life, wife, 3 awesome sons, 2 awesome daughters, my research, etc. etc. Everyone got that??? Thanks to @Pumped_4_Trump for the suggestion.
I guess he's familiar with the latest data from the CDC: "CDC: People With Dirt On Clintons Have 843% Greater Risk Of Suicide".