Larry Sabato has consulted his crystal ball and released some predictions for November's mid-term election.

Given what we can see at this moment, Republicans have a good chance to win the House by picking up as many as 47 seats, net. ...

In the Senate, we now believe the GOP will do a bit better than our long-time prediction of +7 seats. Republicans have an outside shot at winning full control (+10), but are more likely to end up with +8 (or maybe +9, at which point it will be interesting to see how senators such as Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and others react). ...

The statehouses will provide the third leg of the Republicans’ 2010 victory. We have long suggested the GOP would gain a net +6 governorships. We now believe they will win +8. This boon to the GOP for redistricting will be enhanced by a gain of perhaps 300 to 500 seats in the state legislatures, and the addition of Republican control in 8 to 12 legislative chambers around the country.

Increased Republican control of the impending redistricting process could move as many as 20 House seats into the GOP column for the next decade.

1. Don't get cocky.

2. Don't forget the Tea Partiers who are poised to put you back in power.

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