Reader JV sent me an email a while ago with a link to get your CLUE personal property insurance report for free (once per year).
The C.L.U.E.® Personal Property report provides a five year history of losses associated with an individual and his/her personal property. The following data will be identified for each loss: date of loss, loss type, and amount paid along with general information such as policy number, claim number and insurance company name.The C.L.U.E.® Auto report provides a five year history of automobile insurance losses associated with an individual. The following data will be identified for each loss: date of loss, loss type, and amount paid along with general information such as policy number, claim number and insurance company name.
A national search of public records from various sources including federal, state and local government agencies. You are provided the convenience of receiving search results that include records across our entire coverage area. Now you no longer have to contact individual government offices for your information.
A useful way to keep tabs on your insurance history.