This isn't rocket science: if you're the censor, you're the bad guy. If you're burning books, you're the bad guy. If you ban music and dancing, you're the bad guy. If you ban the former president, you're the bad guy.

Facebook removed an interview with former President Donald Trump conducted by his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, from her Facebook page Tuesday night, citing content policy. ...

"In line with the block we placed on Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts, further content posted in the voice of Donald Trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the accounts," the email read following a notice that the video had been removed.

The solution to bad speech is good speech, not banning. Banning never works.

Maybe part of the problem is that Trump's opponents aren't very appealing. Instead of improving themselves (which would benefit all Americans), they want to silence the opposition.

biden dislikes.jpg

But seriously, when you're this unpopular, what do you do?

Easy answer, guys: you cover it up.

Hit up your boys over at Google like brah, do me a solid here, I look like a bozo.

Well, certainly YouTube cannot make it so Joe Biden isn't a bozo.

But here's something they can do:

youtube dislikes.jpg

Is YouTube hiding dislikes to help Joe Biden? Maybe the timing is a total coincidence. You be the judge.

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